Legal information


  • Registered office: 75 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré, 75008 PARIS
  • Email:

Data Protection Officer (DPO): The User may contact the DPO through the following email address:, or by writing to the address of marked for the attention of the “Data Protection Officer” : Maud Le Net, email:


Information and consent

By reading this Privacy Policy, the user is hereby informed on how La Maison Partners collects, processes and protects personal data furnished through the website (hereinafter, the “Website”), as well as through their connection and browsing of the Website (hereinafter, “browsing”) and those other data that may be provided in the future to La Maison Partners through the any other enabled means.

“The User”, the individual from whom the data has been collected directly or indirectly, must carefully read this Privacy Policy, which has been written clearly and simply, to facilitate its understanding, and to freely and voluntarily determine whether he/she wishes to provide their personal data to La Maison Partners or its affiliates (“La Maison Partners”).


What purpose will La Maison Partners process the user’s personal data and for how long?

Depending on the User’s requests, the personal data collected will be processed by LA MAISON PARTNERS in accordance with the following purposes:

  • To comply with its legal and regulatory obligations;
  • To enter into a contract with you or contact you, at your request, with a view to entering into a contract;
  • To communicate regularly on its latest news;
  • To handle marketing issues, including newsletter, event invitations, promotions.

The User’s data will be kept for the period required to fulfil each purpose or until the User opposes or revokes their consent.


What user data will La Maison Partners process?

The data processing required in fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes that require the User’s consent cannot be undertaken without said consent.

Likewise, in the event that the User consent to any of the processing, this will not affect the legality of the processing carried out previously.

To revoke such consent, the User may contact by an email sent to, with the Reference “Data Protection”.


What is the legitimation for the processing of your data?

The data processing required in fulfilment of the aforementioned purposes that require the User’s consent cannot be undertaken without said consent.

Likewise, in the event that the User consent to any of the processing, this will not affect the legality of the processing carried out previously.

To revoke such consent, the User may contact by an email sent to, with the Reference “Data Protection”.


To which recipients will the user’s data be disclosed?

The recipients indicated in this section may be located within or outside the European Economic Area, in the latter case international data transfers must be duly legitimated. Suppliers of LA MAISON PARTNERS for the adequate fulfilment of the legal obligations and/or the purposes previously indicated



One of the purposes for which LA MAISON PARTNERS processes the User’s data will be for the sending of information on new financial products, through electronic and/or conventional means, with information concerning products, services, promoting events or relevant news for Users.

Whenever any communication of this type is made, it will be sent solely and exclusively to those Users who have authorized its reception and/or who have not previously expressed their refusal to receive them.

To carry out the foregoing task, LA MAISON PARTNERS may analyze the data obtained in order to create user profiles that allow a more detailed definition of the products that may be of interest.

In the event that the User wishes to stop receiving from LA MAISON PARTNERS, he/she may request cancellation of the service by sending an email to the following email address:


Exercise of rights

The User may send an email to the address, with the Reference “Data Protection”, to:

  • Revocation of consent granted;
  • To obtain confirmation about whether personal data concerning the User is being processed at La Maison Partners;
  • To access their personal details;
  • To rectify any inaccurate or incomplete data;
  • To request the deletion of their personal data when, among other reasons, the data are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected
  • To request the portability of your data.


Security measures

LA MAISON PARTNERS will process the User’s data at all times in an absolute confidential way and maintaining the mandatory duty to secrecy with regard to said data, in accordance with the provisions set out in applicable regulations, and to this end adopting the measures of a technical and organizational nature required to guarantee the security of their data and prevent them from being altered, lost, processed or accessed illegally, depending on the state of the technology, the nature of the stored data and the risks to which they are exposed.


Contact form data processing (contact page)

The personal data collected is intended to La Maison Partners and designed solely for our managers to contact you. La Maison Partners makes sure to only collect the personal data required for the processing of the contact form displayed on the contact page of the website and is commited to keep the data only during the time of conversations. In accordance with the Data protection Act of 6 January 1978 and with General data protection regulation (GDPR 2016/679), you have the right to access, modify, rectify, delete, restrict the handling, portability and objection on your personal data by sending a mail to La Maison Partners, 75 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008 Paris or by email at


Regulatory information

Important Notice

This website is intended solely for professional investors.

The information contained on this site pertains to the products and services offered by La Maison Partners, a management company specializing in private equity. Access to this site is reserved for individuals considered professional investors under current regulations.

By continuing to browse, you confirm that you are a professional investor and agree to the website’s terms of use.

If you do not meet these criteria, we invite you to leave this site.



La Maison Partners is a portfolio management company. You are currently connected to the website of La Maison Partners, a simplified joint stock company with a single shareholder and a capital of 1,500,000 euros, whose head office is located at 75 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008, Paris, registered with the Paris Trade and Companies Register under the unique number 853 442 291, tel: 01 40 28 48 68. March 16, 2021, the Company had been approved by the Autorité des marchés financiers as a portfolio management company under the number GP-21000010.

Name of the person responsible for publication: Maud LE NET
The content of this site is purely informative and in no way constitutes a recommendation to subscribe to any investment. It cannot claim to be assimilated to active marketing activity. Thus, the information published, which only presents the opinion of the portfolio management company’s teams at a given time, has no contractual value.

Internet users assume full responsibility for the use of this site or the information it contains. The Company may not be held liable for any damage related to the consultation or use of the site by Internet users.

Nevertheless, La Maison Partners makes every effort to ensure the accuracy and updating of information on the site. It has the possibility to modify or delete the content of the site without notice. However, La Maison Partners cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision or completeness of the information available on the site.

The Company undertakes to make every effort to ensure that Internet users have access to and use the site in a quality manner. The Company cannot be held responsible for problems related to the connection of the Internet user to the Internet, computer viruses carried via this network or by another means, or any malicious acts carried out via this network or by another means.


Protection of personal data

The Company, in the event of information transmitted by the Internet user, undertakes to strictly comply with the provisions of the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978, as well as the General Regulations on Data Protection (“the RGPD Regulations”) relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free circulation of such data and any other applicable regulations on the subject that may supplement or replace them at a later date.

In this respect, the Internet user has the right to access, rectify and delete personal data concerning him/her, as well as the right to limit the processing and the portability of his/her data. They also have the right to object on legitimate grounds to the processing of their personal data as well as the right to object to the processing of their data for canvassing purposes.

The Internet user may exercise his rights at any time by sending a letter to the address :

La Maison Partners

75 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

75008, Paris

or an email to :


Restricted access

In particular, this website is not intended for use by residents or citizens of the United States of America and “U.S. Persons”, as defined by the Securities and Exchange Commission’s “Regulation S” under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933.

In addition, the financial products described on this website are not registered under any United States federal securities laws or any other applicable law in the states, territories and possessions of the United States of America. Therefore, none of the products mentioned on this website may be marketed directly or indirectly in the United States and to residents and citizens of the United States of America and U.S. Persons.



During navigation on the site, information relating to the navigation of the Internet user, are likely to be recorded in “cookie” files, subject to the choices that the Internet user will have expressed concerning cookies and that he can modify at any time. The term “cookies” is to be taken in the broadest sense and covers all the tracers deposited and / or read, for example, when consulting a website, reading an e-mail, installing or using a software or mobile application



The site may include links to other Web sites or other Internet sources. Insofar as La Maison Partners cannot control these external sites and sources, La Maison Partners cannot be held responsible for the availability of these external sites and sources, and cannot be held responsible for the content, advertising, products, services or any other material available on or from these external sites or sources. In addition, La Maison Partners cannot be held liable for any damages or losses, whether proven or alleged, resulting from or in relation to the use or the fact of having trusted the content of these external sites or sources.


Property rights

Any total or partial reproduction, modification or use of the brand “La Maison Partners” and the illustrations, images and logos of the Company is strictly prohibited without the express prior consent of the Company, regardless of the reason or the medium in question.

The Company remains the owner of the property rights relating to any element of the site made available to the Internet user.


Hosting of the website La Maison Partners

The website La Maison Partners is hosted by OVH, a “Société par Actions Simplifiée” company governed by French law, with a share capital of 10,174,560, whose registered office is located at 2 Rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix, and registered with the Lille Métropole Trade and Companies Register under number B424 761 419.


Applicable law

The present Legal Notice is subject to French internal law. The language of the Legal Notice is French. In the event of a dispute, the French courts shall have sole jurisdiction.


Voting policy at Shareholders’ Meetings (AGMs)

It should be remembered that La Maison Partners aims to invest in financial instruments not admitted to trading on a regulated or organized market, via professional funds.

Thus, with regard to all unlisted securities held by the various funds managed by La Maison Partners, the voting policy is inseparable from the investment strategy of the funds implemented and is set out in the annual management reports of the said funds.

La Maison Partners wishes to specify that it will give preference to voting by physical presence at the shareholders’ meetings of the companies in its portfolio. However, it reserves the right to vote by mail or by proxy if circumstances so require.


Policy for the best selection of intermediaries and list of market intermediaries

The choice of financial intermediaries is made in accordance with the “best selection/execution” principle. However, as La Maison Partners has decided to invest only in UCIs, it should not have recourse to financial intermediaries. In the event that the Company has to work with a financial intermediary, it will respect the principle of “best selection/execution”.

La Maison Partners implements a policy of best selection and execution of its service providers. It thus monitors the effectiveness of the policy and the quality of execution of the selected entities in order to detect any shortcomings, to remedy them as necessary, and to adapt and enhance the system in place. In particular, La Maison Partners regularly verifies that the systems provided for in its selection policy enable it to obtain the best possible result for the client. The policy is available on request from the company.


Variable compensation policy

La Maison Partners is committed to respecting the principles of remuneration provided for in Directive 2011/61/EU.

The remuneration policy concerns all the staff of the management company.

In accordance with AMF position 2013-11, La Maison Partners’ remuneration policy aims to promote sound and effective risk management that is compatible with the risk profiles of the AIFs managed. This system is put in place to ensure the best possible alignment of the interests of the company, its employees and the subscribers of the vehicles. In particular, the policy for managing conflicts of interest ensures that these principles are respected.

The variable compensation policy is based on performance measurement indicators related to the various functions. It includes both quantitative and qualitative elements and is the subject of a dedicated procedure. The granting of variable compensation thus depends not only on the individual achievement of predefined objectives, but also on the company’s overall performance.

The annual report of La Maison Partners presents in particular the total amount of compensation for the financial year, broken down into fixed and variable compensation, as well as the number of beneficiaries.


Policy for Handling Client Complaints

AMF Instruction 2012-07 addresses the handling of complaints and specifies the information that must be given on the system for handling complaints to the portfolio management company’s client. In order to meet the requirements of the instruction, La Maison Partners has formalized a procedure for handling client complaints. A complaint is a statement of the client’s dissatisfaction with the professional. A request for information, advice, clarification, service or provision is not a complaint.

It is possible to address a complaint:

  • by mail to the following address:

La Maison Partners

75 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré

75008, Paris

  • by e-mail:;

It is advisable to send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt in order to guarantee the correct receipt of the complaint

All claims will be processed free of charge within 10 working days of receipt of the claim. If La Maison Partners is unable to process the claim within the time limit previously set, it will acknowledge receipt within 10 working days of receipt and will process it within two months maximum between the date of receipt of the claim and the date of sending the response to the client, unless special circumstances arise that are duly justified.

A register containing the complaints received shall be kept by the Portfolio Management Company. The latter organizes the follow-up and closure and puts in place measures if a malfunction is found.

In the event of rejection or refusal to grant the claim in whole or in part, La Maison Partners shall specify in the response given to the client, the possible means of recourse, in particular the existence and contact details of the competent mediator(s). The AMF Mediator may be referred to the AMF Ombudsman by any investor, consumer, individual or legal entity such as a company, association, pension fund having an individual dispute with a financial intermediary or issuer. The Mediator investigates, in law and in action, requests for mediation. In each case investigated, he proposes, by means of a recommendation, an amicable resolution of the dispute.

Clients may contact the AMF mediator:

  • in writing:

Ms. Marielle Cohen-Branche

AMF Mediator

Autorité des marchés financiers

17 Place de la Bourse

75002 PARIS CEDEX 02

  • by e-mail:


Conflict of Interest Management Policy

A conflict of interest is any professional situation in which the discretion or decision-making power of a person, business or organization may be influenced or impaired, in its independence or integrity, by personal considerations or by pressure from a third party.

Generally speaking, a conflict is likely to exist whenever a situation may adversely affect the interests of a client. The three main categories of potential conflicts are conflicts involving :

  • several clients among themselves;
  • La Maison Partners and its clients;
  • La Maison Partners and its collaborators.

The system for the prevention and management of conflicts of interest, developed by La Maison Partners in application of the relevant regulations, consists of organizational measures and administrative procedures for the processing and control of transactions involving :

  • to prevent these different types of conflicts of interest;
  • to establish and maintain an appropriate policy for managing conflicts of interest;
  • to detect situations that give rise or are likely to give rise to conflicts of interest;
  • to maintain and update a register of activities where conflicts of interest have occurred or are likely to occur;
  • to inform clients or even seek their decision when, for a particular transaction, the measures implemented are not sufficient to reasonably guarantee independent arbitration.

La Maison Partners has set up a control system to ensure compliance with procedures designed to prevent conflicts of interest, on the one hand, and to detect any conflicts of interest that may arise – despite the preventive measures taken – with a view to resolving them in an equitable manner, on the other hand.

All of this information, concerning conflicts of interest that may affect clients’ interests that could not be avoided and the measures to be taken, will be stored, monitored and maintained within a conflict of interest mapping.

Should the measures implemented prove insufficient to guarantee, with reasonable certainty, that the risk of damaging the interests of the client(s) concerned cannot be avoided, the firm will then inform the clients in writing of the nature or source of the conflict so that they can make their decision in full knowledge of the facts.

La Maison Partners ensures that its staff complies with the professional obligations to which it is subject in the exercise of its activities and that it complies with the regulatory provisions applicable to them. Employees may report to the Head of Compliance and Internal Control any potential or proven conflict of interest.


Warning relating to products

Past performance is no guarantee of future performance. An investment in funds involves risks, in particular the risk of capital loss, i.e. the risk of losing all or part of the capital invested.

It will be the responsibility of the investor to best adapt his investment to his needs, his objectives and the intended duration of the investment. He must reasonably evaluate his savings possibilities according to his needs, his resources, his personal situation and his professional situation. He must also take into account his risk tolerance. It is advisable to diversify your investments and to read the necessary documentation before investing.

Regulatory fund documentation can be requested by mail from La Maison Partners, 75 rue du Faubourg Saint-Honoré 75008, Paris.


ESG Policy

Regarding the integration of sustainability risks in investment decisions within the meaning of the SFDR, La Maison Partners declares that the investment strategy has neither sustainable investment as its objective (as described in Article 9 of the SFDR) nor are it intended to promote specific environmental or social characteristics (as described in Article 8 of the SFDR).

Furthermore, this investment strategy does not formally consider the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities as defined by the EU Taxonomy Regulation (EU) 2020/852) nor is there specific consideration of the adverse impacts of investment decisions on sustainability factors within the meaning of SFDR as this is not required under the SFDR.